Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's in a Name?

Jun, 10

Sigh!! It sure is a hell of a job - maintaining a blog. Well, I hope I can fine tune things within a month and then on be a regular blogger.

Now coming to the topic.


What is it with Gaia? Why did I choose that as a name for a blog which describes my life? Well, I come up with a one-liner. What's in a name after all? But I do have my reasons. Its quite down to earth. I just needed a cyber nick. I didn't want to go under my original name for a lot of reasons. So I decided to give myself a nick. Now, am an avid reader. I read fiction a lot. And I was moved by a lot of characters that I have read about. Back when I was a kid, I used to think Tom Marvolo Riddle was the coolest character I had come across. But later on, as I read more and more, I discovered quite a few immortal characters. First, Howard Roark. Those who haven't heard of him are missing something vital. Next up, from the same book Gail Wynand. I had adopted the name of Roark initially for a short span of time. But a few months later I happened to read another book. And it gave me not one, but three characters to look up to. 'Who is John Galt?' The very query was intriguing and i immediately adopted John Galt as my nick. Prior to these two, I did use the nick Artemis and Zelda. I'm sure some of you must have come across the former and quite a lot would have come across the latter. But, switching back and forth between these four nicks didn't seem nice to me. So, one fine morning, I sat my ass down and thought. Greek/Roman mythology is a fascinating read. And well, I did play Age of Mythology a lot quite long back. And that is when I remembered Gaia - Titan of the Earth. I did a bit more of a ground work and found that I liked the story connected with her and chose that as a nick.

So Gaia I shall be, till i find another befitting nick. After all, what's in a name?